I heard about Dogman sightings in Gastonia, North Carolina,
Got there on an overcast, cloudy day, trekked some trails.
Didn’t see a goddamn thing, sightings pranks, nonsense.
Began trekking back to my car parked in a secluded spot,
And I got an eerie feeling something was following me.
Looked behind me not far from my car and Jesus Christ!,
I saw a seven foot part dog part wolf on two legs following me.
I sprinted to my car as if I was running to a finish line;
I jumped in my car, slammed the door and locked the locks.
As I tried to speed away, I heard the car tires spinning.
Terrified, I saw Dogman in my rear view mirror glaring at me.
He was holding the bumper of my car, causing the tires to spin.
My heart raced and pounded thinking I’d never get away from him,
And by the look in his eyes, I knew he was going to kill me.
Finally my car lurched forward, and I looked back and saw
Dogman howling and standing with my car bumper in his claws.
I drove home horrified, my body shaking, my mind rattled.
I didn’t tell anyone, not even my girlfriend or friends.
Who would believe such a crazy, screwed up story?
But a week after that terrifying time in Gastonia,
I looked out my kitchen window at night and saw
The Gastonia Dogman in the woods adjacent to my home.
I immediately ran to my car and raced to my sister’s house,
And never returned to my home where I knew Dogman
Was waiting to kill me for reasons I don’t know.
I put my house up for sale and moved far away,
Hired a company to move my things to my new location.
I was so freaked out I wondered if Dogman would be
Hidden in the moving company truck. He wasn’t,
And I haven’t seen that beast again, so far.
Bob Boyd