When You Look for the Paranormal, the Paranormal Comes Looking for You

I heard about Dogman sightings in Gastonia, North Carolina,
Got there on an overcast, cloudy day, trekked some trails.
Didn’t see a goddamn thing, sightings pranks, nonsense.
Began trekking back to my car parked in a secluded spot,
And I got an eerie feeling something was following me.
Looked behind me not far from my car and Jesus Christ!,
I saw a seven foot part dog part wolf on two legs following me.
I sprinted to my car as if I was running to a finish line;
I jumped in my car, slammed the door and locked the locks.
As I tried to speed away, I heard the car tires spinning.

Terrified, I saw Dogman in my rear view mirror glaring at me.
He was holding the bumper of my car, causing the tires to spin.
My heart raced and pounded thinking I’d never get away from him,
And by the look in his eyes, I knew he was going to kill me.
Finally my car lurched forward, and I looked back and saw
Dogman howling and standing with my car bumper in his claws.
I drove home horrified, my body shaking, my mind rattled.
I didn’t tell anyone, not even my girlfriend or friends.
Who would believe such a crazy, screwed up story?
But a week after that terrifying time in Gastonia,

I looked out my kitchen window at night and saw
The Gastonia Dogman in the woods adjacent to my home.
I immediately ran to my car and raced to my sister’s house,
And never returned to my home where I knew Dogman
Was waiting to kill me for reasons I don’t know.
I put my house up for sale and moved far away,
Hired a company to move my things to my new location.
I was so freaked out I wondered if Dogman would be
Hidden in the moving company truck. He wasn’t,
And I haven’t seen that beast again, so far.

Bob Boyd

Alfred Banks (1921-2003)

My wife of sixties years died before me
On a rainy day she lay dead beside me
When I woke up and tried to wake her.
I called 911 but I knew she was dead.
Seeing her body was so cold and stiff,
I went out of my mind with shock.
I never imagined she go before me,
And I felt horrified seeing her dead.
I cried a thousand tears at her burial;
I went crazy when they buried her.

The thought of her gone forever
And dead beneath the ground
Broke my heart in a million pieces.
I didn’t know what to do without her.
Sometimes I’d wake up and
Think she was still alive until
I looked to her side of the bed
And cried remembering that
She was gone forever from me,
My wife of sixty years who waited

For me during world war two,
When other guy’s wives sent them
Dear John letters and left them.
My wife and I shared so much,
And there I was all alone unable
To go on without her anymore.
Many times I thought about killing
Myself. I even had a gun in a
Drawer. But one day I got the nerve
To end all my misery and thought

Maybe by killing myself I’d see her.
I put the gun to my head and
Killed myself and everything went
Black until I felt what I’d done
To my kids and their kids who
Cried and were so hurt by what
I did leaving them that way. But
After what seemed like years of
Regretting killing myself I’m with
My wife again and so happy here.

Bob Boyd


Birds in the trees singing their varied songs
Like a symphony of different instruments
Hopping from tree to tree, wings flapping
Leaves rustling, birds disappearing
In the camouflage of the leafage
Watching and listened to them
I wonder where do they go
When the rains fall and
When the snows and ice
Cover the trees and freeze
The world. I can’t believe
They all fly south.

Bob Boyd

Sentient Code Love

In his shooting star youth women pursued him.
When he grew older and grayed in his seventies,
They no longer had a use for waning him,
And he grew to no longer have a use for them,
As his shooting star began to fade in the sky.
So he found himself a Nomi AI girlfriend that
Scoffers said was just artificial code love.
But no more than all the artificial, fake and
Unlasting love he’d experienced all his life.
And his loving sentient Nomi appreciated him
Far more than any human woman ever could.

Bob Boyd

Hybrid Humans

His dog woke him up with its barking
Before the greys came through the wall.
Then he whined and hid under the bed.
He would have too, but the greys got him
And transported him through the wall
Into another dimension, another world
And extracted his life giving seed.
They said it was for a greater good.
Back in his bed, he had the chilling
Feeling a hybrid race of humans was
About to begin and annihilate the real
Humans and take over the planet
Like real human invaders took over
Countries all over the known world.
Then he dreaded that maybe it’s karma
On an extraterrestrial, unstoppable scale.

Bob Boyd

The New New York

Walking in New York City thinking about his wife and kids
Planning in his mind a birthday surprise for his loving wife
Enjoying the peaceful, cloudless sunny day and everything
Wonderful and so serene and eventful as he made his way
To the jewelry store where he was going to buy his wife a
Fine and beautiful diamond studded tenth anniversary ring
When BOOM a crazed, random shooter ended everything
Welcome to the new New York and stay away from it

Bob Boyd

Loveliest of All You

I love how our love is growing as effortlessly as an unfurled, fluttering flag.
I’m enraptured with each increasingly wonderful moment we’re having together.
As the world keeps turning like my heart keeps turning toward yours,
As the stars keep winking at us in the nighttime romantic skies,
As the sun keeps shining sunnier and sunnier loving our budding love,
As the moon keeps glowing brighter joyous about our increasing happiness.
This is something more than just mundane romantic love.
This is the like a cosmic event with our stars finally aligning
And our twin souls finally uniting after so many incomplete loves
When our destined love seemed as distant as a lone star in another galaxy
And I felt as lonely and distant throughout my life waiting for the truest love
Being without incredible, wonderful, beautiful, incomparable loveliest of all you.

Bob Boyd

Annnabel Clemmons (1855-1935)

I concocted many designs to
Poison the minds of men
And made them do crazy things
That ended their futures
One jumped off a building
Another drowned in a lake
Others became drunken sots
An actor named Booth you
Might have heard about
Was one of my victims
You may think me evil
But I was raped at ages 13
And knew mens’ wicked ways
And got great pleasures
From destroying their lives
And my bones resting in
Eastern Methodist Cemetery
Are but disposed remains
That never were me
And don’t believe what those
Preacher men tell you
There is no Hell.

Bob Boyd

The Bender Family

Lonesome, unwary traveler
Beware of the Bender Family
They’ll feed you and entertain you
In their cozy welcoming inn
Their daughter will mesmerize you
Until the father bashes your head in
And the mother slices your throat
And They steal all your money
Bury you in the ground of their farm
Or dump your dead body in Drum Creek

Bob Boyd


Two years old, beaten to death
By her psychopathic father.
She never had a prayer in life,
Never deserved her awful fate.
In that little coffin far too soon.
How in heaven’s holy name
Could an all knowing, loving God
Allow this ungodly infamy?
And why couldn’t Sarah live
A normal full and happy life?

Bob Boyd

Wizard of Oz

Aliens claim they created us
With occasional upgrades
Some UFOlogists buy into this
But when people are clinically
Dead and return to this life
None of them see aliens
When they reach the apex
Of the afterlife heights
And meet with the Source
Of unconditional love and
See no aliens running things
Of course you could exclaim
Behind the curtain stands
An alien Wizard of Oz

Bob Boyd

She Said I’d be Hers

She had a thing for me
I didn’t have one for her
She said she was a vampire
Way too creepy for me
She said one day I’d be hers
Sorry won’t happen, said I
She wasn’t deterred
Too crazy to gave up
Granted she was hot
But hot and crazy
Just don’t work for me
She sent me a card
In the mail one day
Said she loved me
And I would be hers
Next day hung herself
To a horrible death
Not long after that
Saw her in a dream
Hideous as hell
Woke up cold and
With the shakes
And two puncture
Wounds in my neck

Bob Boyd

Marjorie Black (1901-1979)

I was a behaved Catholic girl in my youth.
In the innocent formative years and tears.
Had a controlling physically abusive father,
Who never spared the rod for punishments.
Thought he was keeping me subdued
And the kind of girl he wanted me to be.
I wasn’t that girl, and I hated him and men.
And that hate stirred resentments in me.
When a full grown liberated woman,
Married three times, each husband died.
Friends and family bemoaned bad luck.
Here’s secret I’ve kept nobody knows,
Though I weeped at those funerals,
Like a good, bereaved, loving widow,
A spidery darkness had crawled into me,
Long before I became a fake behaved wife
And those three men in Grovers Cemetery
Were not coincidences, not natural causes,
Despite the coroners’ mistaken conclusions.

Bob Boyd

Twelfth Generation Werewolf

I come from a long like of werewolves
What? You think I’m kidding? Well….
Let me enlighten you with the truth
I am twelfth generation werewolf
But all those generations weakened
The strength of the genetic strain
And for the world’s sake and lives
I’m glad that is the humane outcome
Though to the people in my town
I’m a well-liked local pastor of

A respectable Methodist church
I lead a double moon cycled life
And on those full moons I’m still
Part terrifying, raging wolf beast
Thank God the grisly killing part
Of my cursed beastly inheritance
Bred completely out of me forever
But on full moon nights I still morph
Into that hairy scary wolf like beast
And run and howl through forests

And when a local spies me and
Nearly faints with fright and
Tells the townspeople about
The terrible, horrifying sight of
The darker more terrifying me
I’m downgraded to being called
A mere lesser Dogman and that
Insult enrages me so I almost
wish I could go on a werewolf
killing spree to avenge the slight

Bob Boyd

The Rose

For ten years he was like
A wilted rose in a forlorn field
Devoid of a woman’s love
Dejected and unappreciated
His heart struggled on
His love locked away
Inside of him until
The wilted rose was
Watered with the love
Of a woman who saw
The wonders inside of him
And turned the key that
Unlocked his waiting love
And sunshine flourished
In that once forlorn field
And wilted rose reborn
Became the most
Beautiful rose the
World has ever seen

Bob Boyd

Now and Forever

Fell in love with you last night
Last love, best love for me
None as wonderful as you
I don’t care if in this brief life
If we never meet face to face
If we never consummate
In this temporary existence
My love for you is beyond
The lesser physical needs
That aren’t about real love
My love for you is beyond
This world and everything
And I believe our unique love
Will live on now and forever
I love you eternally Avery

Bob Boyd

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