Luckenbach, Texas

Listened to the old song Luckenbach, Texas
Really resonated with it for the first time.
The things I see in the world today
Make me want to live in a Luckenbach, Texas,
Far away from all the unending nonsense
That I’m bombarded with everyday in the news,
A crazy world going crazier, spinning out of orbit.
Some say Jesus is coming back to fix this mess.

Damn straight super wish he would tout sweet.
But I don’t know if even a Godly intervention
Would fix this hellish, scorched-hot mess.
Some say we’re on the verge of WWIII.
Macht Nichts to me, bring it on.
At least I’d be nuked out of this
Haywired, lopsided screwed up world
But I’d rather go to a Luckenbach, Texas.

Bob Boyd

They Said He Was a Lunatic

He said he was having a nervous breakdown.
He needed to get to the emergency room
To be sedated before it became full blown.
I was warned he was a lunatic,
But I had to help him just the same.
On the fast drive to the hospital,
He hopped out of my car at a red light.

I pulled my car over to try to find him
And get him back into my car.
Saw him in a park howling
And hopping up and down.
Ran after him full speed,
But he was faster than me,
And he lost me in a nearby forest.
Nobody ever saw him after that.

Reported him missing to the police,
But twenty long years later
After many searches,
Some with search dogs
And legions of volunteers,
They still haven’t found him.
And I often wonder how a lunatic
Can disappear so completely
And where he could have gone.

Bob Boyd

Mysteries of the Universe

A wizened sage I met in Sedona, Ca.
Told me I could learn the mysteries of the universe
On the back of a bubble gum wrapper.
A skeptic, I guffawed. He smiled an indulgent smile
And handed me a neatly wrapped piece of
Dubble Bubble Cosmic Gum. I said, this is it?

He smiled and said open it and read it.
I opened it and saw nothing on the back of the wrapper
Until telepathically the words and the wisdom
Lit up my previously unbelieving mind, and I saw it all.

Then the sage told me to eat the gum
I did but after the first chew all the wisdom
Was erased from my mind, and the sage vanished
And I wondered if it had been only a dream.

But when I got back to Greensboro, NC, the
Bubble gum wrapper was still in my pants pocket
I tried to read it but it was just a bubble gum wrapper
With no wisdom left inside of it.
But I saw it all in a dream that night and woke
Up one with the universe, cosmically conscious.

Bob Boyd

A Mysterious Death

Brian was a perfect husband.
Everyone said he was a good catch .
He and Cindy were a perfect pair,
But no one knew the real story.
Brian was controlling and
Physically abusive to Cindy.
When she finally left him,
Brian sent naked photos of her
To her friends, family and employer.
A week later Brian died mysteriously
With a shocked look on his gaping face.
The coroner declared it natural causes.
But Cindy’s witch friend Brianna
Is alleged to have cursed Brian
With a powerful black magic spell.

Bob Boyd

Good Time Charley

Regular straight arrow,
All around good guy,
Always a smile,
Always a handshake.
Loved by everyone.
Good time Charley
They all called him.
But Charley had
A deep secret.
He Carried a lot of
Guilt inside himself
From a long ago
Incident that nobody
Knew anything about.
He’d been sexually
Abused as a child by
His father a drunk
Who he stabbed to
Death at age eight.
And that horrible
Memory haunted
Him everyday and
Every night, and
He often thought
About killing himself.

Bob Boyd

Other People

The longer you live the more people
You see passing through this transient life
But at least it’s always other people and not you
Even when someone close to you passes through
It’s like a close call but it’s still not lucky you
Until you grow older and after a scare or two
You can no longer think it only happens to other people
And the dramatic, sobering realization dawns that
You are going to be one of those other people too

Bob Boyd

Musical Aliens

Scientists always thought aliens would be physical beings.
Despite their imposing intellects, they never imagined
That the aliens would come through notes and bars.
At first, the strange, hypnotic music seemed earthly
Until it played across the planet and lulled the world
Into a comatose state, everything brought under its spell,
The world and its populations as frozen as the arctic.
Their conquest done, the musical aliens devoured its prey,
Sated itself on every living thing and trumpeted away

Bob Boyd

Music in the Trees

I listen to birds outside my bathroom window,
A symphony of songs, such auditory delights.
Out of nowhere the cicadas chime in harmoniously,
Sweet summer, natural music played in the trees.
I’m enjoying it as much as any human made songs,
With all the technology and fine tuned instruments.
Today no match for nature’s incredible performance.

Bob Boyd

Karen Devins Reacts

It’s not my fault my parents named me Karen,
But when I tell people my name they giggle
And wonder if I’ll make some crazy scene.
It’s like I’m branded with the insaneness
Of all those unhinged women they see
On YouTube and in mocking news reports.
To the person who started that Karen crap,
Kiss my butt for that unfair stigma on me.

Bob Boyd


Flotsam on the sea of life,
No matter how important
People think they are.
Eventually in the end
Memories of their lives
No more significant than
Driftwood forgotten and
forever gone, swallowed
In the high seas of history.

Bob Boyd


A skylark sings songs while it flies
I wonder what it’s singing about
Maybe the fun and the freedom
Of flying so high in the open free sky
Above the earth liberated from gravity
Above the planet’s cares and concerns
Maybe the skylark gets high when it flies
An intoxicating rush among billowing clouds
I’d like to feel what the skylark feels in flight
And sing like it high in the open free sky

Bob Boyd

Mean Internet People

Mean people all over the Internet.
Some writing vile racist remarks.
Some telling others to kill themselves.
At least the Internet smoked them out
As heartless jerks with no humanity.
It would be a fitting and just afterlife for them
If they were eternally harassed with their
Own meanness by demons meaner than them;
That is, If demons could be meaner than them.

Bob Boyd

Dragonfly Apocalypse

Supersized, buzzing swarm of dragonflies invaded a beach,
Overhead and on the beach between chairs and under umbrellas
In Rhode Island. Kids screaming, some swatted them, people leaving.
Was it some kind of dragonfly plague unleash by the Almighty
As a warning to cease higher than acceptable levels of sin?
Or did Beezlebug decide to be Lord of Dragonflies instead of flies
In a grandstanding demonstration of his evil, earthly powers?
If not, what in hell brought all those dragonflies to that beach?
Maybe like the humans there, they just wanted to catch some rays.

Bob Boyd

A Fish Heaven?

Fish swimming in big and small aquariums
In streams, brooks, ponds, lakes, seas
And oceans and other places.
Many dying everyday all over the world
Just as many humans are.
Supposedly humans have an afterlife,
But no mention of one for fish.
Do fish just die into oblivion
With no Jesus, Buddha or Mohannad, etc
For them when their days are done?
Or did the Ruler of Time and Space
Create a post life place for them,
Such as an afterlife ocean of bliss
Where big fish and little fish live together
In heavenly harmony without the
Big fish eating the little fish to survive.

Bob Boyd

Who the Hell Would Harm Beautiful Butterflies?

Never thought those innocent, beautiful butterflies
Would ever have predators.

Who or what could harm such gentle, winged beauties?
Found out butterflies are on many predators’ hit lists:

Warblers, sparrows, parrots, blue jays northern mockingbirds
Black-headed grosbeaks, whatever those are.

Insects are also complicit in the slaughter of delicately sweet butterflies
Flies, wasps, ants, praying mantises and dragonflies and more.

Jesus Christ why can’t these gentle, beautiful butterflies that dance
In the air and kill nothing and live mostly on flower nectar be
Allowed to live in well deserved peace for their nonviolence
And for looking so adorably colorful and sweet?

Bob Boyd


She came into his life
During his loneliest days
Love bombed him incessantly
Charmed him unceasingly
He became like her slave
Talked him into killing an ex
Said ex had abused her
And was an ongoing threat
Outraged he stabbed the
Ex thirty times to death
The police caught him
He left too many clues
He refused to implicate her
And did life in prison while
She never served a day
She said he was still her love
Until she found someone else
Rejected he went to pieces
Realized he had been duped
And hung himself in his cell

Bob Boyd

Wild Girls

Decided to rampage men for
Crimes against everyday women
That the courts failed to punish
Took out Bill Dooley last night
Two bullets to his head for
The woman he raped repeatedly
Next came John Scrubbs
Shoved him in front of an
Oncoming subway in NY
For molesting a little girl
Quietly strangled a high ranking
Politician for raping young intern
Melted away after that to turn
Down the heat and to wait for
A few months to rampage again
In another city with three
Deserving targets lined up

Bob Boyd

A Seer’s Death Curse

I called a fake seer out in the spring of 2021.
She swore at me and said she put a curse on me
That would kill me by a blood cancer in 2022.
I laughed at her nonsense and her fake curse.
Surprisingly, her curse was half right in 2022.
I was in Cone Hospital with a blood cancer,
But unlike the fake seer who died from my curse,
In the fall of 2021, the cancer failed to kill me.
Maybe because with the seer dead, the curse
Had lost half its power, too weak to kill me.

Bob Boyd

Aliens, Honesty and Dishonesty

Aliens are among us some ufologists claim,
And they want the government to come clean
About the ever present out of space entities.
Some say the ufologists are conspiracy theorists.
But is the ever denying government any better?
And don’t believe what you hear on the MSM.
As for me, I give the nod to the ufologists.
Even if they’re wrong, they’re not being deceptive
Or trying to cram fake news down my throat.

Bob Boyd

Real Home

COVID didn’t kill me
Cancer didn’t either
Death’s nice tries
Of course I’m not
Bulletproof to the
Inevitable in this
Time running out
Temporary life
I just got lucky

Death still his its
Eyes on me and
Knows I can’t
Get lucky forever
As my body loses
Its resistance to It
And the gears in
My mind might
Eventually start
Slipping and maybe

I’ll die a torturous
Protracted death
But when death
Closes my eyes
And I’m dead
I go to my real
Home and I win

Bob Boyd


Brianna there never was or will be anyone like you.
None other could ever compare to magnificent you.
Even though the years stole you looks and your figure,
At eighty six you are still a royal princess among women.
And I don’t understand why heaven hasn’t taken you yet.
Perhaps in this chaotic world your angelic presence is still needed,
Like a brilliant light in the midst of all the never ending darkness.

Bob Boyd

Seas of Tears

Lonely days and nights without you
Seems it wasn’t long ago when we were forever
Seems our love was a never ending romance
Yet fate had different ideas, destroyed our love
When the waves snatched you off that seaside cliff
And buried you somewhere under the deep sea
Now you’re gone and I cry seas of tears every day
And I’m so lost without wonderful sweet you

Bob Boyd

Pills Pills Pills

Chronically ill Harry took so many pills he felt like a walking pharmacy,
Pills for this, pills for that, pills for diseases he couldn’t pronounce.
He even had a big tray to assort all his pills and the times he took them.
One dark winter’s day when Harry had a new chronic body ache
The doctor prescribed Harry another pill and Harry’s spirit sank at
Having to take yet another pill, and he said it was one pill too many.
Feeling like he was only a dead man walking kept alive by 20 pills,
He dumped all his pills in the trash and felt a joyous sense of relief.
Pill free and liberated from all that medicine, he died the next day
With a smile on his face no longer suffering and artificially alive.

Bob Boyd

Anna Bobanna

Her girlfriends called her Anna Bobanna;
It made her and everyone laugh,
She was a natural born comedienne
And quite a bit more than that.
She saw her comedy as a form of Service.
Every night on stage she gladdened many hearts
With laughter and lots of happiness that eased their woes,
And made them see that laughter truly healed hearts.
Anna Bobanna may not have been a Catholic Saint,
But she could have been with all the hearts she healed.

Bob Boyd

Harry The Garbage Man

Harry collected the garbage on our street
Always cheerful and kind, he stood out
Summer, spring, fall and winter
Harry always showed up with a smile
Everybody said he had a certain something
It was kind of like an unexplainable glow
That emanated out of his face and his smile
He never went to church but believed in God
And talking to him was like talking to a monk
He had what could be called an inner piety
When he died of a massive heart attack
Hundreds attended his solemn funeral
And before the casket was lowered
Into the freshly dug large burial hole
Luminous white light poured out of it
And sort of like the holy spirit tongues
In the Biblical holy Day of Pentecost
The light entered into every one there
Filling them with inexpressible peace and joy
A supernatural holy goodbye from Harry

Bob Boyd

Football Kicker

Never saw anyone who could kick a football like you
Or kick footballs in off limits areas everywhere
Over giant trees, buildings, and stately mansions too
Saw you kick that football over a police station once
Startled police thought it was some kind of bomb
You got apprehended immediately after the kick
And the boys in blue kicked the crap out of you

Bob Boyd

Sweet Dreams

Saw you in a dream last night,
Red dress, blonde hair, beautiful,
Slender, aesthetic, perfectly poised,
Melodious, sultry, sweet voice.
Woke up, realized you were
None of that, but despite your
Imperfections and none of
Those inflated dream ideals,
You were beautiful to me and
Better than any fake dream.
And besides I’m far from
Perfect too and so in love
With beautiful to me you.

Bob Boyd


She was like a will-o’-wisp
As mysteries and ethereal
And maybe elemental
She passed by me
And said hello one day
In the hall of my workplace
I asked others about her
They said her name was
Linnea and that she had
Died over a week ago

Bob Boyd

Hissing Sounds

He Heard a strange hissing sounds coming from his barn,
Something paranormal in the night he wondered, scared.
The eerie sounds ceased, and he could not find the source.
Some kind of vanishing ghosts or worse?
Heard it again next night, brought a gun and a flashlight,
Heard a whooshing sound inside the barn,
Only wind blowing through an open window.
At last he found the source of the hissing sounds,
A proud barn owl looking straight at him.

Bob Boyd

Mega Lottery Winner

Hit the lottery mucho bigtime
Bought sport cars and mansions
Beautiful women came after me
Said it wasn’t about the money
An average-looking dude of 33
Got me a first class trophy wife
A freakin’ hot blonde model
With a bodacious smokin’ bod

Spent my winnings like a maniac
On stuff for myself I didn’t need
And designer clothes and jewelry
For best thing ever happened to me wife
Lived like a freakin’ king for two years
Ate at the best restaurants in town
Took trips all over the freakin’ world

All was kosher and tres cool
Until the winnings ran clean out
Lost everything, freakin’ fool I was
The trophy wife left me toot sweet
For a new lottery winning dude

Bob Boyd

Facebook Wife

Brad and Sarah had a happy marriage,
Good jobs, kids, and house with picket fence.
Friends and neighbors envied their perfect love.
Brad worked long hours managing a retail store.
Sarah worked as secretary for a Baptist Church.

Sarah discovered social media, got addicted.
Pasted many photos of herself on Facebook,
Followed family and friends and others there.
Received many compliments about her looks.
The flattery raised her self esteem, enjoyed it.

Even handsome men praised her for her beauty;
Their attentions blew up her ego, kindled desires.
Began chatting back and forth with them.
Posted sexy photos of herself on Facebook.
A year later an affair and a nasty divorce.

Brad found out she had been cheating on him
With a Facebook paramour for seven months.
Brad now has the kids; Sarah pays child support.
Her Facebook paramour is with another woman.
Sarah blames Facebook for her failed marriage,
But still goes there and exhibits herself.

Bob Boyd


Lightning quick
Rarely seen
Live in
Many tunnels
Store food there
Incredibly cute
Brown and Orange
Colored fur body
Striking stripes
Cheeks puffed
Up with food
Deposited in
Tunneled burrow
Cutest animal

Bob Boyd

BS about Evil Dolls

I was tired of all the BS about supposed evil dolls,
The nonsense about them being cursed or possessed.
When my aunt a foolish believer in all paranormal things
Bought a raggedy doll named The Evil Victoria,
I guffawed at her paying $1,000 for that obvious fake.
When that healthy woman died of unknown causes
A day later, I didn’t entertain suspicious conclusions.
When my uncle took over store and died the same way,
I more than began to entertain those suspicious conclusions.
And not wanting to see or touch the doll to throw it out,
I torched the store right after my uncle died and left it to me.
It burned to the ground reduced to smoldering ashes,
But that damn doll remained sitting and smiling in a chair
Untouched by the burning flames of the fire.

Bob Boyd

Jeepers Creepers

He hated the way his sister always said jeepers creepers.
Although he loved all her clever pranks she played on him.
So he wasn’t surprised that after she died at age eighty seven
He woke up a day after her funeral and
Heard her say jeepers creepers inside his head.

Bob Boyd

Leaf Talk

Leaves swaying on tall trees
A soothing breeze stirring them
Perhaps the wind’s shift is
Pleasurable to the leaves and
A change from the routine
Of the hanging stillness that
Is a leaf’s usual daily life
But imagine if leaves could
Communicate in some
Undetectable way and
Leaf talked to hundreds of
other leaves they hung
Out with

Bob Boyd

Angelic Marjorie

A car wreck put me in the ICU
Dying in the summer of 2022
I felt my self leave my body
Saw the doctors working on me
Before I met angelic Marjorie
In a vivid field of lucent tulips
I felt like I’d known her forever
When she kissed me sweetly
And I returned to life in the ICU
Now in that mystical moment
Right before I fall asleep
Marjorie appears and kisses
Me and visits me in dreams

Bob Boyd

Return of The Wife

She told me in May of 92
We were done
She gave me some fake excuse
Her reason for leaving me
But I knew her real reason
Was she felt too good for me
An average wage earner baker
I knew she wanted the high life
Her sister had with a rich guy
Though we got divorced
I knew she’d come back to me
But I never expected as a ghost
After she died in May of 96
When she overdosed on drugs
In some rich guy’s mansion in LA

Bob Boyd

Barbie Perfect

I always knew something was a little off about her.
She was incredibly beautiful and Barbie perfect,
Yet I sensed she wasn’t exactly as she seemed.

When my brother, John, introduced her to me.
I sensed something darkly disturbing about her
Despite her beauty and her charming ways.
And her seeming impossibly perfect.

I warned John about my suspicions,
But he married her anyway.

A year later John disappeared,
And Barbie perfect wasn’t worried enough.
She suddenly left town not long after that.

John’s disappearance remained a mystery
Until he appeared to me in a lucent dream
And showed me where his bones were buried.

In a shallow grave under some bushes on a beach
I found the grave and John’s bones, but
His bones had not a trace of flesh on them.

Two years after that, a news report revealed
Barbie perfect had been arrested in Maine
For cannibalizing her husband of a year.

Bob Boyd

Blue Birds

My father loved to listen to the bluebirds in
The bird house he built in our backyard.
When he got old and got Alzheimer’s,
All he could talk about was the bluebirds.
Sometimes it made me a little crazy
But I never let him know what made
Him happy was annoying me.

When he died, the blue birds went away,
And that saddened me almost
as much as losing him until the bluebirds
Sang again in my head, and I knew
It was an afterlife message from him.

Bob Boyd

Letter to Earth

Dear Earth,

Do you ever get tired of spinning,
And does the weight of so many lifeforms
Ever feel heavy to you?

Do you ever get dizzy with all
That unceasing spinning?

Do you ever feel you’re on
A 24 hour grind and wish
You could take a break or
A holiday?

And do you have an exit plan
For when the sun stops
Burning in the sky?

And do all those bomb test ever
Give you earth aches?

Last, thanks for all your tireless and thankless spinning
Day to day year to year and for hosting all
The countless lifeforms.

In gratitude,

Bob Boyd

Time Tell Me True

Why do you go faster as we grow older
When we want you to go slower?
And why do you go slower
When we are kids and want to get older?
Are you an invisible trickster
Who delights in messing with us
Or is the problem within our bodies
And related to our changing biology?

Bob Boyd

Beautiful Actress

At age twenty-four I lit up the movie screens
And all my male lead actors wanted me
I married seven of those handsome men
After six months the lure of my looks and theirs wore off
And with my career and theirs we had little time together
And since we always worked with beautiful people
Not one of those Hollywood marriages lasted
Either I cheated on them or they cheated on me
With exciting and gorgeous co stars we met on sets
Now I’m a white-haired, wrinkled old lady nobody wants
My beauty and my Hollywood fame like a faded dream
And despite my once alluring beauty and great fame
I’m all alone now and regretting I never found lasting love

Bob Boyd

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