Yellow Guppies

Yellow guppies dying in my fish tank
Guppies often die young for many reasons
But this poem isn’t about that guppy fate
I’m putting myself in a guppies predicament
Imagine living just to die young in a fish tank
Imagine probably having no sense of self
And your only purpose to propagate
But thinking deeper are we not like that too
Here possibly only to propagate
Despite our sense of self and grand dreams
And whatever plans that all evaporate in
Death’s undoing, time erasing, all that we did
Unless some fame falls into out lives
And lingers for awhile but time erases fame too
In hundreds, definitely in thousands of years
Except for the propagation where our offspring live on
and on and on generation to generations
Many propagating just like guppies

Bob Boyd

Beef with a Female Betta Fish

Unlike males of your Siamese Fighting Fish species
You were supposed to be able to get along with other fish
You did good in a five gallon tank with three tuxedo guppies
Impressed by your ability to get along nonviolently
I graciously put you in a ten gallon tank, a sweet break
But ungrateful you tried to attack the yellow guppies
Ticked me off, exiled you back to the five gallon tank
A life sentence for your deplorable behavior
And that was no way for a lady to behave!

Bob Boyd


Maybe the Hindus have it right. Maybe we reincarnate,
starting as the lowest lifeforms and evolving up to
human births and eventually attain enlightenment
where we get off the wheel of rebirths and attain the
Sat Chit Ananda, the Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
I’m thinking about this because as I look at the guppies
in my aquariums swimming about merrily, I’m wondering
do they just die into nothingness, and that’s it? Oblivion,
and it’s over for them? Or maybe they die into the tunnel
of White Light and emerge into a guppy heaven. A celestial
world freed from oppressive fish tanks and whatever cares
earthbound guppies have, swimming and playing ecstatically
in bliss-laden bodies of water, vast as oceans with no predators
to annihilate their joyous lives in an eternal, aquatic paradise.

Bob Boyd

The Guppies or Me

My kinda crazy ex named Daisy had an obsession with guppies, seventy six tanks and counting. The guppies multiplied into thousands. She’d coo over them as if they were babies. She seemed to love them more than me. Soon so many tanks in the house I could barely get in and out. I told her she needed to see a shrink and cut back on her guppy explosion. She said never happen, the shrink or the guppies. Said I’ve had it, the guppies or me. She said good riddance, Bob. I’ve got my guppies, I don’t need you. I’ve got to get better at selecting or, more likely, being selected by, the wrong women.

Bob Boyd

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