Diminishing Returns of Aging

What Golden Years?
Many old people getting cancer;
Cancer wards like geriatrics wards,
Longer you live the more your
Quality of life diminishes,
The more you become at risk
Of falls, some that can kill you.
More likely to die of flu related illness.
Less money more medical bills.
At some point you probably won’t be driving
You become more unsafe on the road.
Aging wrecks your breaking down body
Muscles shrink, body’s stiffens,
Skin gets ugly, wrinkles,
other marks, some scary looking,
Hopefully not cancer, but stay
Out of the blazing sun. You’re
Number one on skin cancer’s
Hit list.
Hearing and vision can be affected
Like an old machine breaking down.
People you knew or heard of
Dying more frequently.
You’re number one on
COVID’s hit list.

Bob Boyd

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