The Joys of Not Working

Not being controlled
Not having anyone run interference
on what you are achieving
Not essentially held hostage by
the need for a paycheck
Not working at something you
don’t like but must to survive
Not having to take any nonsense
Not needing to do things you’d prefer not to
like needless time wasting meetings
Not being a slave to the clock
Not needing weekend breaks
Not having to put up with the possibility
of a difficult coworker
Not suffering any slights by
an ungrateful boss

Bob Boyd

Author: BobBoyd

79, cancer survivor, work out 3 times a week, ride exercise bike 60 minutes daily. Kundalini energy rising since age 27, began writing poetry October 2023. Pisces, which may be why I have fish for pets, read and listened to many NDEs, Shared Death Visions, and Death Bed Visions, see death as the awakening of a lifetime and the ultimate relocation.

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